
Zucchini Noodles & Watermelon Salad with Lime, Chèvre, and Mint 青檸檬薄荷櫛瓜與西瓜沙拉

When the weather is warm, it's so nice to have a simple and cooling salad like this one. Get all your anti-oxidants and vitamins in no time. Plus, if you don't mind a little bit of crunchiness, the watermelon seeds will add some extra protein, oil, and fiber, too!

Zucchini Noodles & Watermelon Salad with Lime, Chèvre, and Mint (4 servings)

About 1/4 of watermelon
1          zucchini

1 1/2 T  lime juice
1/4 t     sea salt

2 T       extra virgin olive oil
4 oz/about 100 g chèvre (optional)
1/4 C    chopped mint
zest of 1 lime

*T = tbsp, t= tsp, C = cup

1. Cut the watermelon into 4 large squares, about 6 x 6 x 1.5 cm/2.25 x 2.25 x 0.5 in. Then cut each square into16 small uniform dice. *The measurements are approximate, feel free to make your squares large or smaller.

2. Use a spiralizer to cut your zucchini. Add lime juice and sea salt to mix.

3. Without separating the dice, arrange each watermelon square on a plate. Divide the zucchini noodles and place on top.

4. Drizzle the extra virgin olive oil, then finish with crumbled chèvre (optional), chopped mint, and lime zest. Enjoy!

                                                                                               - Yvonne


青檸檬薄荷櫛瓜與西瓜沙拉 (4 人份)

西瓜         約 1/4 個
櫛瓜         1 條

青檸檬汁    1 1/2 大匙
海鹽         1/4 小匙

冷抽橄欖油 2 大匙
羊奶酪 (chèvre) 約 100 g (可省略)
薄荷葉       1/4 杯…切碎
青檸檬皮屑  1 大匙

1. 將西瓜先切成4塊約 6 x 6 x 1.5 cm/2.25 x 2.25 x 0.5 in 大的方塊狀,再將每個方塊切為16小塊。*方塊的大小可以自行改變

2. 將櫛瓜削成條狀,與青檸檬汁和海鹽拌一下。

3. 將切好的每個西瓜大方塊分別擺放在4個盤上,在上面放上櫛瓜條。

4. 淋上ㄧ些橄欖油,再撒上些羊奶酪(可省略)、切碎的薄荷,青檸檬皮屑即可!

                                                                                               - Yvonne

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