
Homemade Whole Wheat Dumpling Wrappers 全麥水餃皮


Despite that my mom always made her own dumplings when I was growing up, she has actually never tried to make her own dumpling wrappers. Can't say that I blame her, since in Taiwan you can easily buy very good homemade dumpling wrappers from farmer's markets. They're fresh, soft, and chewy. I used to love the feel of it when I helped my mom make dumplings.

Nowadays, you can buy dumpling wrappers almost anywhere, even in a small place like Quebec! But homemade ones like the one my mom buys? Nope, not unless you live in Asia. A traditional dumpling wrapper should be made with just flour, water and salt. Sadly, if you look at the store bought ones, some of them have preservatives or other chemicals added. 

I tried the dumpling wrappers I found here once and decided that I would only make them at home. It's more time-consuming, but I don't mind. I love the texture of freshly made dumpling wrappers, and it's not likely that you'll find one that is made with whole wheat flour. If you haven't yet tried to make them yourself, I urge you to do so. Get your husband or kids involved in it; it'll make a fun family (or couples) Sunday project as well!

Homemade Whole Wheat Dumpling Wrappers


A: 320 g  all-purpose flour
    180 g  whole wheat pastry flour
    1/2 t   sea salt

250- 265 ml/cc cold water

To Make The Dough:

1. In a large bowl or mixer bowl, add ingredients A. Slowly add the water to A and mix with your hand or with a mixer until the dough starts to come together. *You may not need all the water once the dough comes together.

2. Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface or continue to roll it in a mixer for about 5 minutes until the surface is smooth.

3. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Let it rest for about 1 hour.

To Make The Wrappers:

1. Take out the dumpling dough onto a lightly floured surface and divide it into 4 portions. Keep one out and put the other 3 portions back in the bowl or container until needed. Keep them covered, so they won't dry out.

2. On a floured surface, roll the dough into a cylinder shape and cut it into pieces. Each piece should weigh about 15 grams. *Feel free to make each wrapper size larger or smaller depending on your liking.

3. Take one little dough piece and sprinkle a little bit of all-purpose flour on it. Gently press it into a round flat piece with your palm. (See photo at below) *You can cover the rest of the dough pieces with a damp cloth to prevent them from getting dry.

4. Use a rolling pin to roll the pressed dough to about a 2 1/2 inch diameter round. Then roll from the center outward until you have the right thickness and leave the middle part slightly thicker than the edges. *My wrapper was about 3 1/4 inch diameter long, but again, you can make it any size as you wish. Don't worry about the length too much. The recipe is just a guideline to give you an idea.
                                                                                             - Yvonne


現代的人要包水餃真的很方便,幾乎在任何地方都買的到現呈的水餃皮,就連魁北克這個小地方也有!但若要買到手工製的,那恐怕要到亞洲才有… ((´д)) 傳統的餃子皮應該是以麵粉、鹽和水所製成,但你若注意那些超市裡賣的,有些添加了防腐劑或其它化學物品。

之前有試過一次這裡賣的,但經過那一次之後,馬上讓我決定不會再買第二次!  (><) 的確自己做餃子皮很花功夫,但我喜歡自己做出來的感覺。新鮮餃子皮的質感就是不一樣,它比一般超市的要Q,況且外面要買到全麥餃子皮也比較難,不如自己做做看,也可以利用假日與朋友們、老公或小孩一起做,會更有樂趣喔~

Some people use hot water for the dough. I used cold water here because for steamed or boiled dumplings, it'll make the texture chewier. 


A: 中筋麵粉 320 公克
    全麥麵粉 180 公克
    海鹽 1/2 茶匙

冷水 250-265 cc


1. A料放入一大容器中,慢慢加入水並攪拌至糰狀。

2. 將麵糰移至撒有中筋麵粉的桌面,揉約五5分鐘至表面光滑。

3. 將揉好的麵團放入撒上麵粉的容器內,蓋上濕布醒約1個小時。


1. 將鬆弛好的水餃麵團拿出,分成四等份。留一份在桌面上,將其它3份放入容器蓋上蓋子,以免乾掉。

2. 在撒有中筋麵粉的桌面上,將那麵團滾成長條。再將它切成一個個約15克的小麵塊。*小麵塊的大小可以依個人喜好而定。

3. 在小麵塊上撒上一點麵粉,用手掌先壓成圓扁狀。*可以將大部分的小麵塊以濕布稍微蓋上,以免乾掉。

4. 以桿麵棍將壓扁的小麵糰稍微桿一下至約直徑2.5(6.5公分)長的圓之後,從中間往外桿至約0.1(0.20.3公分),中間有微突起厚度即可。*餃皮的大小可以自行決定。

                                                                                               - Yvonne

Gently press it into a round flat piece with your palm 

You can make some and stack them up before wrapping them, but be sure to dust each wrapper with some flour or they'll stick together while sitting there.

If you have extra dough left, do not throw it away. You can turn it into noodles by rolling it out and cutting it into thin strips. 

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