
Creamy Lemony Goat Cheese Spread 檸檬羊乳酪麵包抹醬

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure to host a little going away party for my dear friend. I could've made several big dishes and had everyone serve themselves, but I thought, why not make it an event that everyone would remember! I've always believed in expressing love and making lasting memories for others through food. It was my mom's cooking that taught me that. Even though I didn't realize it at the time, it kind of grew on me later.

Therefore, I decided to make many little dishes for the party. Since my kitchen has very limited counter space, I was forced to think of food that could be made in advance, like this yummy goat cheese spread I used on the bread with toppings. It was the first time I tried it, and it turned out really well. The texture was so creamy. Now, I know what you might think when you hear goat cheese, but you must NOT be scared away by it! I promise you, the result is very mild. In fact, most of our friends weren't really sure what it was made of when they tasted it, and that's the idea! With a handheld mixer or food processor, you can make this spread without any sweat. Serve it on bread with any topping you'd like (see recipe for more ideas), or spread it on your sandwiches and muffins. It's alllll good!!

Creamy Lemony Goat Cheese Spread (makes 1 cup)

125 g   goat cheese (chèvre), room temperature
1/4 C   Greek yogurt
2 t       lemon juice
1 t       lemon zest
1/2 t    maple syrup or agave nectar
1 t       extra virgin olive oil
about 1/8 t sea salt
black pepper

*T = tbsp, t= tsp, C = cup

1. Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend it until the texture is really smooth.

2. Transfer to a clean glass jar and store for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.
*You can simply spread it on your a piece of bread and enjoy it with a little honey and mint, or make Strawberry & Radish Tea Sandwich.

                                                                                               - Yvonne

兩個星期前,我很榮幸的為準備要去美國唸書的好朋友開了個小小的party。當時其實可以就做幾道簡單又豐盛的菜,但我想說既然是為朋友開的party,而他又將要離開,為何不花更多的心思做點較別緻的finger food呢? 我個人ㄧ向就深信通過料理可以讓我們傳達愛心並帶給他人美好的回憶,這是從小從老媽的料理學來的。

因為finger food的份量不多,所以也表示我必需準備許多種類來填飽大家的肚子,但是我廚房的空間非常有限,要做十種不同的東西真的不容易,所以得想些比較簡單、又可以先前準備好的食物,這個羊乳酪麵包抹醬就是很好的例子。其實我第一次做,但成果非常棒,朋友們都讚不絕口!我知道大部分人聽到羊乳酪就被嚇跑了,但這個抹醬沒有羊奶的腥味,它帶點淡淡的羊奶香與檸檬的清香,質感超細膩。那天朋友們其實幾乎都吃不出來裡面是否有放乳酪,我說了之後才晃然大悟。作法很簡單快速,只要將全部食材放入食物調理機就可以輕鬆完成,不管是塗在麵包上或三明治裡都非常好吃!(っ˘ڡ˘ς)


羊乳酪 - Chèvre 約125 g (放置室溫15-20 分鐘)
希臘優格           1/4 杯
檸檬汁              2 小匙
檸檬皮屑           1 小匙
楓糖漿或龍舌蘭漿 1/2 小匙
冷抽橄欖油         1 小匙
海鹽 與黑胡椒     少許

1. 將全部食材放入食物調理機打至細。
2. 將抹醬倒入ㄧ個乾淨的玻璃瓶中並放置冰箱冷藏,可保存5天左右。*可以塗抹在三明治裡或抹在麵包上與ㄧ點蜂蜜及薄荷一起享用也可以使用它來做草莓櫻桃蘿蔔英式三明治, 葡萄綠橄欖英式下午茶三明治

                                                                                               - Yvonne

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