
Garlicky Spice-Rubbed Grilled Chicken with Vegetables 百里香蒜味燒烤雞

I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer. We've been lucky to have this fantastic weather so far; it's neither too hot nor too rainy, just perfectly comfortable - great BBQ weather for entertaining friends! But what about for those rainy summer days, or perhaps you don't own an outdoor BBQ? For my post this month, I decided to write a grilled chicken recipe that can be made indoors, without loosing any of that deep flavour and tender texture. As an added plus, it makes a great accompaniment to my summer slaw - they are happy together, and your tummy will be, too!! So I welcome you to head over to Foodies In Quebec City to learn how to make this deliciously defiant indoor "BBQ" grilled chicken.

今年魁北克的夏季非常的涼爽,雨不多也不會太熱,很舒適。這種氣候之下烤肉是再適合不過的了!我決定這個月在Foodies In Quebec City寫個燒烤雞肉食譜,順便和我的涼拌高麗菜食譜一起搭,想看食譜的朋友們請到那裡閱讀百里香蒜味燒烤雞。這個食譜的做法簡單,而且可以讓你在任何的季節都能輕鬆的在家裡做出來喔~

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