
Paleo Banana Bread 無奶油無糖香蕉蛋糕

I recently came across this popular paleo banana bread recipe from Civilized Cavemen Cooking. Even though I'm not paleo (nor do I follow any other diet), I generally try to avoid using sugar and highly processed foods. I noticed in the recipe that you could replace the grass-fed butter with coconut oil (which I often like to do when baking), and instead of regular flour it calls for coconut flour, which I'd never used before. But these aren't the only good things about this recipe. There's no use of sugar or any sweeteners at all! I mean anywhere. Right away, I knew this was my kind of recipe, and I was determined to make it and eat it! (*≧▽≦) Since it's less sweet than regular banana bread, plus it's high in fiber and protein, it makes a perfect nutritious breakfast for your everyday morning! Though the texture is slightly different than the banana bread we're used to, it's really similar, and each bite is moist and full of rich banana-y flavour! Check out the recipe here, I hope you'll like it!

One of the best things about this recipe is that you can throw everything in a blender - but no worries if you don't have one. You can also use a mixer, like I did here.

這個食譜還有讓我喜歡的是,它的做法很減單,是個零食失敗的食譜。若您有食物加工調理機 (food processor),將香蕉、蛋與堅果醬打好,在機器運作的同時,慢慢加入其餘的食材。但若沒有食物加工調理機,也可以像我ㄧ樣使用攪拌機 (mixer) 。

最近這一年在國外很盛行原始人飲食法,這種飲食法排除了糖、穀類、豆類與奶製品,以及其它加工的精緻食品等等。雖然我平時並沒有依照特定的飲食,但我自已平時的飲食習慣基本上就儘量避免吃糖類或加工的食品,所以當我碰巧在Instagram上看到 Civilized Caveman 的這個原始人香蕉蛋糕食譜,馬上就吸引了我。我看了ㄧ下食譜所使用的食材,食譜裡面建議奶油 (原始人飲食法必須使用食草乳牛的奶油) 可以換成椰子油取代,而使用的麵粉則不是ㄧ般的麵粉,是椰子麵粉 (coconut flour),它是以製造椰漿剩下的椰奶製成的,在這食譜之前,我完全沒有使用過。此外,食譜裡面完全沒有加任何的糖,更是勾引我的好奇心,管它是什麼飲食法,反正我就是決心ㄧ定要做來吃~(*≧▽≦) 由於甜度比一般的香蕉蛋糕少很多,纖維與蛋白質又高、吃了不用怕胖,除了當點心之外也會是理想的營養早餐。而質感上雖然與一般的香蕉有點不同,但真的很類似,且香蕉口味香又濃,真的棒極了!


香蕉蛋糕 (攪拌機做法)

香蕉 約 4 大條…切小塊 (575 g)

蛋 4 顆

杏仁醬 1/2 杯 (140 g) *也可以使用其它堅果醬或葵花籽醬 

A: 溶化的椰子油  4 大匙
    椰子麵粉       1/2 杯 (75 g) *可使用杏仁粉或其它的堅果粉代替
    肉桂粉          1 大匙
    泡打粉          1 小匙
    小蘇打粉       1 小匙
    香草精          1 小匙
    橘子皮屑        1 大匙
    海鹽             少許

香蕉 1 條…直切切半

1. 將烤箱先預熱至 350F/180C。將防沾紙放入麵包模型容器中。

2. 將香蕉先放入攪拌器中打至泥狀,加入堅果醬再繼續打,然後加入蛋。

3. 將A料全部加入,並打至混合均勻。

4. 將打好的料倒入之前準備好的麵包模型中,再將切半的香蕉擺在麵糊上。放入預熱的烤箱中烤50-60分鐘至牙籤插入並取出後是乾淨的。

5. 將烤好的香蕉蛋糕從模型中取出放在架上冷卻,稍微涼了之後即可食用!

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