
Asparagus, celery, and citrus green juice with sprouts and bee pollen 蘆筍芹菜綠色果菜汁與蜂花粉顆粒

Do you normally throw away the woody ends of the asparagus? Here's how you can save them and make use of them. Asparagus is very low in calories, and is a great source of folates, vitamin B-complex, minerals, and anti-oxidants! So I thought I'd try to use as much of it as possible. After tasting this delicious juice, you may think twice before throwing away those tough end parts!

Asparagus, celery, and citrus green juice with sprouts and bee pollen (2 servings)

A: 1 cup mixture of asparagus shoots and the tough end parts (end parts 
    peeled) *see illustration below
    1/4 C  celery
    1/2     apple
    1        orange
    1        small lemon
    2 tbsp parsley (both leaves and stems)
    1        date

1 cup coconut water
B: your choice of sprouts

    bee pollen
    lemon zest

1. Roughly chop ingredients A, and transfer them to a blender.

2. Add coconut water and blend until very smooth.

3. Pour the juice into 2 glasses and garnish with ingredients B on the top.

                                                                                               - Yvonne


蘆筍芹菜綠色果菜汁與蜂花粉顆粒 (2 人份)

A: 蘆筍     1 杯…根部較老的部位去皮
    芹菜     1/4 杯
    蘋果     半顆
    柳橙      1 顆
    檬      1 顆
    荷蘭芹 2 大匙
    蜜棗      1 粒

椰子水或礦泉水 1 杯

B: 苜宿芽或其它芽菜

1. 將所有A料切塊,然後放入果汁機內。

2. 加入椰子水或礦泉水打細。

3. 倒入杯中,然後在上面撒上一點B料裝飾。

                                                                                          - Yvonne

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