
Garlicky Spice-Rubbed Grilled Chicken with Vegetables 百里香蒜味燒烤雞

I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer. We've been lucky to have this fantastic weather so far; it's neither too hot nor too rainy, just perfectly comfortable - great BBQ weather for entertaining friends! But what about for those rainy summer days, or perhaps you don't own an outdoor BBQ? For my post this month, I decided to write a grilled chicken recipe that can be made indoors, without loosing any of that deep flavour and tender texture. As an added plus, it makes a great accompaniment to my summer slaw - they are happy together, and your tummy will be, too!! So I welcome you to head over to Foodies In Quebec City to learn how to make this deliciously defiant indoor "BBQ" grilled chicken.

今年魁北克的夏季非常的涼爽,雨不多也不會太熱,很舒適。這種氣候之下烤肉是再適合不過的了!我決定這個月在Foodies In Quebec City寫個燒烤雞肉食譜,順便和我的涼拌高麗菜食譜一起搭,想看食譜的朋友們請到那裡閱讀百里香蒜味燒烤雞。這個食譜的做法簡單,而且可以讓你在任何的季節都能輕鬆的在家裡做出來喔~


Summer Slaw 涼拌高麗菜沙拉

There are many reasons why I love to eat my vegetables raw in the summer: it requires no cooking, no grease, it's refreshing, and most importantly, it saves time! It also allows you to enjoy all the beautiful summer fruits and vegetables in their simplest and purest form, which I often prefer. 

A typical coleslaw is usually made with shredded cabbage and carrots. Here, besides the cabbage, I used one of my summer favourites - rhubarb, along with kiwis. Because of this, the salad contains a high amount of vitamin A, C, and K. Instead of the typical creamy, high-calorie mayonnaise-based dressing, I just used lime juice. Together with the mint, it really brings out the summer flavours.