
Baked Eggs and Turkey-Chickpea-Spinach Meatballs in Smokey Paprika Tomato Sauce 匈牙利紅椒蕃茄醬汁烤蛋與鷹嘴豆肉丸

Last month, I was fortunate enough to win two tickets (worth $500!) to go to an opening event of a food festival, Québec Exquis with this photograph above. Thanks to ICI Québec who held the food photography contest! It was a special event that we normally wouldn't go to, with a lot of fancy little bouchées that were being served by the top restaurants in Québec! I turned my prize into a "mission to share with everyone" and took notes throughout the whole event. As you know, with a couple drinks, it is quite easy to lose your memory! XD 

So here's the event, La Soirée Haute Cuisine and "the recipe" - Baked Eggs and Turkey-Chickpea-Spinach Meatballs in Smokey Paprika Tomato Sauce. They're both featured at Foodies In Quebec City. If you're still fishing for an interesting brunch recipe for this Easter weekend or for Mother's Day, then you've come to the right place! 

One of the most beautiful and delicious bouchées from La Soirée Haute Cuisine


上個月很幸運的贏來2張參與第四屆Québec Exquis美食節開幕晚會,並價值$500加幣的票。這要感謝舉辦這項比賽的ICI Québec! 由於這晚會很特別,而當天晚上的食物又都是由魁北克很知名的餐廳所提供,為了讓大家能對魁北克的美食大開眼界,整晚一邊忙著吃、一邊忙著排照與做筆記。(其實大部分是一張嘴不停的吃才是吧…!(;¬д¬)

這個月特別在Foodies In Quebec City寫了2篇,大家可以到那裡閱讀「美食之夜」(按這裡),以及這個與眾不同的烤蛋食譜 (按這裡)!如果您還在為這個週末的復活節或即將來臨的母親節brunch要做什麼菜而煩惱,那麼嘗試看看這道特別又健康的料理吧!

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