
Wulai Old Street 烏來老街

Entering the Wulai Old Street, we saw two choices for sausage vendors. One of them had an advertisement that said they were featured on TV, accompanied by a very long line of people. Since I tend to like rooting for the underdog, and as the weather was quite hot, we decided to go to the one across from the famous one to give their sausages a try. Though I can’t compare theirs with the other’s, it turned out to be quite good! It was nicely seasoned, juicy and not greasy, and was made with 100% wild mountain boar.

走進烏來老街口馬上就聞到香腸的香味,左手邊的雅各香腸,因為之前受電視採訪已被炒熱,所以大排長龍。然而在這樣炎熱的氣候下,已汗流夾背的我實在沒有什麼耐心去排隊 o(´^`)o,況且對面的月球香腸其實看起來也很不錯,就決定嚐試較不起眼的這家。我們選擇的是蒜味,它外層烤的很香,肉餡扎實且不會太鹹或油膩,是100%山豬肉做的~

There were two choices of sauce that you could serve yourself for either the sausage or pork skewer, plus some raw garlic (if you dare!!) We tried the garlicky sauce with maqao (an Atayal native spice), and it was really delicious! I enjoyed it so much that I forgot to take a picture, and if I hadn’t been so full, I would’ve gotten another sausage!

可以選擇馬告醬(馬告是泰雅族所使用的一種山胡椒種子)或蒜泥刷在香腸或烤肉上,旁邊也有生蒜粒可以加。 老公選的是蒜泥,刷上去之後,使原來就有蒜香味的香腸又更香!因為太好吃了,吃完之後才發現忘了拍照(_;)


They sell grilled millet mochi. (Mochi is a traditional Chinese dessert that is normally made with sticky rice.)



We asked for both peanut and black sesame powder on the mochi, whose texture was perfectly soft and chewy. Again, the millet mochi is one of the specialties here. You must give it a try!


They also sell lemonade, honey, or molasses drinks with a special kind of wild seed that you can't easily find elsewhere.


The seeds look like flax seeds, only slightly bigger. The drink is cooling, low in calories, and very cleansing, too. You can simply soak the seeds in lemonade or tea for 10 minutes, and they’ll expand. The end result is kind of like bubble tea, except that it’s much healthier and 100% natural! After trying it out, I decided to buy a bag. It was very refreshing!


You can find this unusual variety of banana. It's shorter and rounder than the regular banana, and it's sweeter, too!


Wulai is well known for its hot springs, and these tea eggs were cooked in hot spring water. To be honest, I wouldn’t be able to tell any difference between those and my mom’s, but it was well made and for the fun of it, it’s still worth trying!


You can also find varieties of local wine such as glutinous rice wine, black glutinous wine, and of course, millet wine!

在烏來老街可以品嚐到各類不同米製成的酒,而且有些很適合女生喝喔~ o((*^^*))o


You’ll see plenty of vendors that sell the hot spring eggs. Gao's Cold Hot Spring Eggs is supposed to be a well known vendor. Unlike the other vendor, they sell their hot spring eggs cold.  



There are even hot spring "thousand-year" eggs, but since they’re not my cup of tea , I was happy to skip it!
就連溫泉皮蛋也有,但是我不敢吃皮蛋,所以沒試 ( Д)

I forgot to take a photo of the name of this vendor (* ̄m ̄), but they have really delicious hot almond milk. I tried some with a Chinese fried bread stick and it was soooo good!!


We tried another millet mochi from a different vendor later on but unfortunately, it did not make my list. The texture was the opposite of soft and chewy, and on top of that, it didn't quite taste fresh.


You will also see a lot of produce made with a type of seaweed carrageenan. It contains a high amount of iron and calcium. Here, they have cranberry, pineapple, or almond milk containing carrageenan, all in the form of dehydrated sugar blocks. You only need to add water to melt them, then add some ice when serving. We tried a little sample of each flavour; it was really refreshing and cooling—a perfect summer drink. I wish I could bring them all back with me!


Some enticing flavour combinations of similar products are (from left): honey, chrysanthemum, and seaweed carrageenan; dark brown sugar, cranberries, and seaweed carrageen; dark brown sugar, burdock root, and goji berry; dark brown sugar, dates, and ginger. You can enjoy them both cold and hot.

糖李記商行也有賣加有海燕窩的產品,從左到右:蜂蜜菊花和海燕窩、黑糖蔓越莓和海燕窩、牛蒡黑糖與蟲草茶、紅棗桂圓薑母茶,熱飲或冷飲都好喝又補~ ( ´ ` )


When you come visit Wulai, not only should you enjoy the natural hot springs, the beautiful scenery, and the delicious Atayal native cuisine, but also don't forget to take a walk on the historic Wulai Old Street and try some local produce!


Address: Wulai Street, Wulai District, New Taipei City 233, Taiwan

地址: 新北市烏來區烏來村烏來街

For more information about Wulai, click here



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