
Beef "Bourguinness" Individual Pot Pie 吉尼斯迷你燉牛肉派

You may be surprised to see that for this post I chose such a hearty dish! I know, it's not very me (as you can see from my other recipes). I don't normally eat much meat, nor do I eat a lot of French food at home, but since Saint Patrick's Day is coming, and with the great quality meat we have here in Quebec, I thought, why not introduce something different to everyone? This recipe is really multi-functional, you can think of it as three separate dishes: the beef stew, the sautéed mushrooms with caramelized pearl onions, and the baked mashed potatoes.

I love cooking up a storm every now and then with some French classics. This recipe takes me back to the old days when I was in The French Culinary Institute. I remember how many times we had to practice certain techniques and how complicated the art of French cooking is, but in the end, the taste makes it all worth it. I'll be showing you how to make everything from scratch: no gravy packages, no frozen mashed potatoes. It's the real thing! So why wait, come check out this recipe (with lots of photos) on Foodies In Quebec City!

很多朋友們大概會為我這次寫的食譜感到驚訝,因為我大部分都是煮較簡易又清淡的料理,也不吃太多的牛肉,什麼烤牛肉、牛排等我都很少吃。不過就如同大家一樣,有時候也會例外的想吃口味稍重的菜,特別是聖帕特里克節 (Saint Patrick's Day) 就即將到來,而我們在魁北克又有品質非常好的肉,讓平時在家並不是那麼常吃法國菜的我,想到偶爾也應該介紹些不同口味的料理來給大家嘗試。這個食譜其實可以讓大家分為3個不同的料理來享用:燉牛肉、奶油蘑菇與焦糖小洋蔥、烤馬鈴薯泥,是個多功能又實用的食譜。除此之外,它也讓我想起多年前在紐約的French Culinary Institute受訓時做的一些菜及那時期嚴格的訓練。法國菜的確是很下工夫,但是煮出來那完美無瑕的料理是另人肯定的。我將在這個食譜裡與大家分享一些道地的法式手法,請大家到Foodies In Quebec City來學這道讓家裡充滿美味的派!

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