
Sautéed Burdock With Carrots And Arame 和風牛蒡炒鹿尾菜

If you're not familiar with burdock root, it could strike you as an odd looking vegetable. I remember back when I was in NY, I once bought some burdock in Chinatown. On the bus ride home, the long, skinny roots popping out of my shopping bag grabbed a lot of attention. The woman behind me probably couldn't resist her curiosity; she finally asked me what exactly those roots were and what I was going to do with them. 


Burdock root is not only very high in fiber, but it also contains a good amount of minerals and anti-oxidants. It's good for treating indigestion, lowering the risk of heart disease, and even preventing cancer, among other things. It's known for its special woody taste and is used widely in Japanese cooking. Another healthy ingredient that's popularly used in Japanese cuisine is Arame (see photos below), a species of kelp rich in minerals and other essential nutrients. It helps to strengthen the immune system and defend against cancer, as well. It's mild and slightly sweet in taste. Together, the two make a great tasting and nutritious dish that can also help boost your immune system. Plus, it's vegan and gluten-free!

This is actually a recipe I wrote exactly a year ago for my former blog, 2 Sisters et 1 Cat, but because of some obstacles at the time, I never quite got around to finishing it and posting it. Seeing this recipe again just recalled for me a lot of memories from last year. So much has happened and so many things have changed in our lives. Some for the better, some for the worse; but no matter what they are, I have faith and hope in 2014!

Sautéed Burdock With Carrots And Arame (4 Servings)

8 oz     burdock
1 C      shredded carrots
1/2 C   arame

A: 1 T   rice vinegar
    3 C  water

1 T      grapeseed oil or canola oil

sea salt

B: 1/4 C  water
    2 T     soy sauce
    2 T     rice wine
    2 t     mirin
    2 t     sugar

1 t sesame oil

2 t toasted black sesame seeds

1. Soak the arame in cold water for 15 minutes. Rinse and drain.

2. Prepare ingredients A in a large bowl.

3. Remove the burdock skin.

4. Slice it into thin diagonal slices, then cut them into thin matchsticks. Transfer them into A as you're cutting them, and work fast to prevent them from getting oxidized. *You can try to shredder it, but since burdock is thin and the texture is kind of fibrous and rough, I find it easier to just cut it with a knife.

5. Rinse and drain the soaked arame.
6. Heat the oil in a sauté pan, sauté the burdock and carrots for about 2-3 minutes. Season with a little sea salt.

7. Add B and let it cook for about 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

8. Add the arame and keep cooking and stirring until the liquid starts to evaporate. Turn off the heat.

9. Transfer the dish onto a serving plate or a shallow dish. Drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with black sesame seeds and serve.


                                                                                               - Yvonne

Since burdock is thin and the texture is kind of fibrous and rough, I find it easier to a special shredder like the one above or just cut it with a knife.



這個食譜其實是早在一年前為之前的2 Sisters et 1 Cat寫的,但因為當時生活上有太多的雜事,心情也很複雜,這食譜就這樣被隔在一旁。最近偶然的發現到它,又把我帶回一年前的許多令人感傷的回憶…。事實上,從去年到現在就有許多令人難以置信的事情一直在發生,有些是好;有些是壞,我們的生活也因此被受很大的影響。但是不管如何,我深信一切會圓滿的,我對這新的一年充滿著期待、信心與期望!


和風牛蒡炒鹿尾菜 (4人份)

牛蒡            約225克 (8盎斯)
紅蘿蔔切細絲 1杯 
乾燥鹿尾菜    半杯

A: 米醋       1大匙
    水         3杯

葡萄籽油 1大匙


B: 水    1/4杯
    醬油 2大匙
    米酒 2大匙
    味醂 2小匙
    糖    2小匙

香油 1小匙

黑芝麻 2小匙

1. 將乾燥鹿尾菜浸泡在水裡約15分鐘。

2. 將A料放入一個大容器中。

3. 將牛蒡外皮刮掉。

4. 將它斜切成薄片,再切成絲。切好馬上放入有A料的容器中浸泡,以免氧化變黑。

5. 將浸泡好的鹿尾菜稍微清洗一下並瀝乾。

6. 將油倒入鍋中加熱,加入牛蒡與紅蘿蔔絲炒2-3分鐘,撒上一點海鹽。

7. 倒入B料稍微蓋上蓋子繼續煮4-5分鐘,偶爾翻動幾下。

8. 加入鹿尾菜繼續煮到水份幾乎蒸發掉即可熄火。

9. 盛入盤中,淋上香油並撒上一點黑芝麻即可。

                                                                                               - Yvonne

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