
Vanilla-Peach Cupcakes/桃子香草杯子蛋糕

*This post first appeared in 2 sisters et 1 cat

I apologize for not posting for such a long time. A lot has been happening in my life lately and it seems to continue to be that way. I'm not complaining. It has been a great summer, and I've done a lot of what I wanted and needed to do, but I just haven't been able to write and come up with many words. One thing that keeps me going is that I'm still able to function in the kitchen!

Yes, food to me is therapeutic, whether I work with it or eat it. I get passionate when I see those summer fruits and vegetables on the market stands. Here, we're at the time of year when the summer fruits are going to slowly disappear. I promised a friend's friend to post this recipe several months ago. Knowing that the peach season is ending, I told myself I'd better grab some before they slipped away.  

I made this peach cupcake recipe several years ago when we were invited to our friends' BBQ party. As a courteous guest, I always offer to bring something, and since my friend told me that she wouldn't be making any dessert, I thought these cupcakes would make a very good end-of-party sweet. It was well received, but I soon forgot about it, until I got the request recently from someone who was at the same party.
These cupcakes are light and are not packed with much butter, sugar, or even frosting. If you happen to have a few peaches in the house, give it a try. You'll want to make the recipe over and over again! Enjoy!
P.S.-thanks to J for giving me this "project" to take my mind off some things, and for bringing back this delicious recipe to my memory! Also thanks to M for the invitation, which was the beginning of this recipe!

Vanilla-Peach Cupcake (Makes about 15 cupcakes)
2 medium size peaches, pitted and diced (about 1/3 in")

1 fresh vanilla bean

A:  1 C all-purpose flour
     1/2 C whole wheat pastry flour
     3/4 t baking powder
     3/4 t baking soda
     1/4 t salt

B:  4 T (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
     2 T canola oil
     1/2 C light brown sugar
     1/4 C granulated sugar

C:  1 large egg, room-temperature and lightly beaten
     1/4 t vanilla extract

D:  1/2 C plain yogurt
     1/4 C milk or soy milk

one 8 oz container of crème fraîche (in the photo, I actually used whipped cream, since I happened to have some in the fridge)

2 peaches, sliced into 1/4" pieces

1. Line 15 muffin cups with paper liners.
2. Sift together ingredients A and set aside.

3. Use a paring knife to split open the vanilla bean and use the tip of the knife to scrape out all the seeds. Mix the seeds with the cut peaches. 
4. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF.
5. Beat B in a mixer until fluffy.
6. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl, then add C.
7. Mix in D at low speed.
8. Pause on low speed several times to mix in ingredients A and fold in the peach chunks.
9. Divide the batter evenly among the prepared cupcake liners. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of cupcakes comes out clean.

10. Cool the cupcakes for five minutes in the muffin pan, then take them out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
11. Place a dollop of the crème fraîche and some peach slices on top of each cupcake, and serve.






桃子香草杯子蛋糕 (約15個)
A:  低筋麵粉  1
     全麥麵粉  1/2
     泡打粉     3/4小匙
     小蘇打粉  3/4小匙
     細海鹽     1/4小匙

B:  回溫無鹽奶油 4大匙 (半條)
      油菜籽油或葡萄籽油 2大匙
      紅糖 1/2
      白糖 1/4

C:  1個,先回溫,稍微打散
     香草精 1/2小匙

D:  原味優酪乳 1/2
     牛奶 1/4

8盎斯酸奶油 一盒 (由於冰箱裡剛好還有鮮奶油,所以照上看到的是鮮奶油)

桃子 2個,切成薄片

1. muffin烤盤裡放好油力士紙杯

2. A料全部一起過篩入一容器中

3. 用小刀將香草莢剖開,以小刀的尖頭刮出所有的籽,將外皮切成四小段。將所有刮岀來的籽與切好的桃子混合

4. 烤箱事先預熱至180ºC/350ºF

5. B料用放入電動攪拌器以高速攪拌至鬆軟

6. 用刮刀將攪拌時被推到邊緣的料推下。加入C料繼續攪拌

7. 加入D料以慢速攪拌

8. 加入A料,以暫停及低速的方式攪拌幾次,再用刮刀拌入切好的桃子。(若覺得太乾,可以再加入一點點的牛奶)

9. 將麵糊均勻的分配放入烘烤紙杯中。放入預熱的烤箱裡烤約18-20分鐘

10. 拿出烤箱後,放置muffin烤盤中等5分鐘,再拿出來置鐵架上放涼

11. 在每一個蛋糕杯上裝飾一些酸奶油及一兩片切好的桃子即可

First, beat the butter, oil, and sugar together

Gently mix in the peach pieces with a spatula 

It's much healthier without the typical sugary icing, and you can appreciate the cake itself more

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