
Crispy Butterflied Chicken with Lemon and Thyme 脆皮檸檬蝴蝶烤雞

I love roast chicken and I spent a lot of time searching and trying different ways of roasting them. Many years ago, I was watching the Martha Stewart Show, and she happened to butterfly a chicken by browning it in a pan, then finishing it with some lemon juice and garlic. After that, it became one of my favourite ways to prepare it. Over the years, I lost the recipe and added my own little tweaks and changes to what I had remembered, but I've always kept the idea of lemon and garlic in there. Normally, I use regular lemons for this recipe, but since I bought a lot of Meyer lemons lately, I thought I'd use them for this recipe and share it with you. The chicken is butterflied and browned in a cast iron pan first, then goes into the oven to continue cooking. The result is a nice crispy skin with very juicy and tender flesh. Butterflying the chicken easily shortens the roasting time, so your hungry belly doesn't have to wait too long.( ̄▽ ̄) The juice of the chicken, the garlic, the thyme and the lemon all blended together make for a really yummy gravy. It's truly a simple and delicious way of enjoying chicken! Bon appétit!

Crispy Butterflied Chicken with Lemon and Thyme 

one 3 1/4 - 3 1/2 lb/about 1500 g organic chicken

1 lemon thinly sliced

A: a few sprigs of fresh thyme
    Lemon peel from 1 lemon
    juice of 1/2 lemon
    1    garlic clove, smashed with some sea salt
    1 T extra virgin olive oil

B: 2   garlic cloves, crushed
    6   sprigs of thyme

grapeseed oil


sea salt and black pepper

some chopped parsley for garnish (optional)

*T = tbsp, t = tsp

To butterfly the chicken:

1. Clean and dry the chicken well. Transfer onto a cutting board, breast side down.

2. Use a good pair of kitchen scissors to cut down along both sides of the chicken backbone. *You can save and freeze the backbone for your homemade stock.

3. Flip the chicken so the breast side is up. Press down on the breast to flatten the chicken.

To prepare and cook the chicken:
1. Use your index finger to loosen the skin from the breast, then stuff the lemon slices under the breast skin.

2. Season the entire chicken with sea salt and black pepper.

3. Preheat the oven to 375 F/175 C.

4. Heat a cast iron pan with a little bit of grapeseed oil and butter. When it's hot, place the chicken in the pan breast side down. Turn down the heat to medium-low and let it brown for about 10-12 minutes.*Be sure to use a skillet that's large enough for your chicken.

5. While the chicken is browning, combine ingredients A together.

6. Flip the chicken so the back side is down. Add ingredients B to the pan and brown the chicken for another10-12 minutes or so.

7. Transfer the chicken to the oven. Bake for 12-15 minutes until cooked and the juice runs clear.

8. Take the chicken out of the oven, and pour A into the pan. Put a piece of foil over the chicken to keep warm and let it sit for 5 minutes.

9. Carve the chicken. Garnish with some chopped parsley, and serve with the juice from the pan.

                                                                                               - Yvonne

To butterfly a chicken means to remove the backbone of the chicken. This helps it to roast, grill, or broil more quickly. This technique is also called spatchcock.

蝴蝶雞是一種處理雞的方式,英文是butterflied chicken 或 spatchcocked chicken,將雞的龍骨除去,使其成爲較均勻的大厚片,有效縮短烹煮的時間。


我喜歡吃烤雞,所以之前研究過以各種不同的方式去烤,幾年前碰巧在電視上看到Martha Stewart將整隻雞切開,攤平在鍋中先煎至兩面金黃,然後再加些檸檬與蒜頭調味。在那之後,我就時常以類似這種方式烹煮,因為我不大愛看食譜,而原來的食譜也不知到哪去,所以這幾年來就漸漸在原來的食譜上做了些改變。平時我烤這個雞都是使用一般的檸檬,但是最近買了許多的梅爾檸檬,而它的味道與一般檸檬要甜又香,於是就把它用來烤這個雞,順便把食譜也分享給大家,若是能夠買到梅爾檸檬,我很建議大家嘗試看看。這個烤雞的做法很簡單(超適合我這種懶人(๑>◡<๑),只要去掉雞的龍骨,攤開呈蝴蝶雞(butterflied chicken - 是一種國外處理全雞的切法),不需要先醃製,也不需要烤太久的時間,就可以做出外皮酥脆、肉嫩多汁的烤雞,在加上蒜香味與檸檬香氣,真是美味極了!


小隻半土雞 (約1500 g) 1隻

檸檬 1 個…切薄片

A: 新鮮百里香 3-4 根
    檸檬皮      取自一顆檸檬
    檸檬        半顆…壓汁
    蒜頭         1 粒…和一點海鹽拍打壓扁
    冷壓橄欖油 1 大匙

B: 蒜頭         2 粒…拍打壓扁
    新鮮百里香 6 根

奶油 1 小匙


荷蘭芹 少許…切碎 (裝飾用,可省略)


1. 將整隻雞洗淨擦乾後,雞胸朝下;雞背朝上擺在切板上。

2. 以鋒利的廚房剪刀沿著背部龍骨的兩側剪下去,把整個脊椎龍骨取出。*取出的龍骨可以拿來做高湯,可不要輕易丟棄喔~( ^ω^ )

3. 將整隻雞翻面並攤開,雞胸朝上,以兩手手掌將雞胸用力往下壓平。



1.  以食指將雞胸肉與皮稍微分開,將切好的檸檬片分別塞入兩邊雞胸肉內。

2. 將整隻雞抹上海鹽與黑胡椒粉。

3. 將烤箱預熱至375 F/175 C。

4. 將鐵鍋加熱後放入ㄧ點油與奶油,將整隻雞(雞胸朝下)攤平擺入鍋中,將火調整至中小火慢慢煎約10-12分鐘或至金黃。

5. 煎雞的同時,將A料混合在一個碗內。

6. 將雞翻面(雞胸朝上),放入B料繼續煎10-12分鐘至金黃。

7. 將雞與整個鐵鍋放入預熱的烤箱中烤約15分鐘或至熟(雞肉最厚部份溫度抵達165 F)。

8. 將雞拿出烤箱,並加入A料至鍋中。以ㄧ張鋁箔紙稍微蓋上雞,以免冷卻。

9. 放置約5分鐘後切開並與鍋中的醬汁及荷蘭芹ㄧ起食用。

                                                                                               - Yvonne

My cast iron pan was a bit small, so I had to flatten my chicken with another heavy cast iron pan on the top (*≧m≦*)


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