
Parc de Sceaux 蘇鎮公園

In Paris, it's hard to avoid crowds almost anywhere. You can go to the Bois de Vincennes, which is a large park to the east of Paris, and still, you'll find people everywhere. If you don't like crowds, but enjoy walking around beautiful parks, like me, then the Parc de Sceaux is the perfect place for you. It's, in my opinion, one of the loveliest park that I've been to. Located just about 10km away from central Paris (you can get there by taking the RER B line), you can easily find yourself a quiet grassy spot to have an afternoon picnic or take a romantic walk!

在巴黎這種人口多的城市,要找到一塊寧靜無人的角落歇著還真是不容易,就連位在巴黎東區的大公園 - Bois de Vincennes,也到處都充滿了作運動、遛狗、野餐、嬉戲的人群。如果您像我一樣喜愛大自然、且不大喜歡去人群擁擠的地方,您一定會愛上 Parc de Sceaux (蘇鎮公園)。具有「小凡爾賽宮」之稱,位在巴黎南郊區,搭乘RER B線在半小時以內就可抵達的美麗密秘景點,也是我個人最喜愛的公園之一。由於整座公園佔地約180公頃,而來這裡的遊客較少,大多數為當地居民,因此很容易找到能夠獨享的露天空間,是享受野餐與散步的好地方!

In front of the chateau is this large open field which extends to the east part of the park.

在 chateau (古堡)的庭園前面,是一片一望無際的大草原


The beautiful and well laid-out park was designed by André Le Nôtre, who also designed the park for the famous Chateau de Versailles.

廣大又精緻的庭園是由設計凡爾賽宮的庭園造景師 - André Le Nôtre 所設計,難怪它還有「小凡爾賽宮」之稱!

You can find plenty of trees and walkways alongside the open field. Even though the weather was quite warm that day, with all the shadows from the trees, it was rather cooling.


If you get tired of walking, no problem! There are plenty of spots for you to sit and picnic! We enjoyed my own egg, ham, and lettuce sandwiches in the open grass field. Whenever I travel, I try to make simple things like this for lunch and enjoy them in parks. It's cheaper, more relaxing, and you get to be with nature!


There are trails in the park as well. Don't be surprised if you get lost in the park. It's like a walking through a maze!


You can also visit the chateau, which is the Musée de l'Île-de-France - museum of local history. It contains one of the largest collections of paintings of the Paris School.

除了公園之外,還可以買票進去古堡 (Musée de l'Île-de-France) 裡面參觀。

There's also a canal that runs through the park.


I don't know how anyone would not want to walk through this - it's almost magical! If you could, plan on coming here during the spring time when all the Sakura trees are blossoming. How beautiful would that be!


For more information about Parc de Sceaux, please go to their website (in French only)

有關蘇鎮公園的博物館與更多資訊請到蘇鎮公園網站 (只限法語)

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