
Whole Wheat Cranberry-Oat Scones with Almonds 全麥蔓越莓杏仁司康餅

I love cranberries in breakfasty things, whether it's a muffin, a scone, bread, pancakes, or waffles, you name it! For Valentine's Day last year, I did a cranberry heart swirled cheesecake for Foodie in Quebec City, so I wanted to do something different this year but still with cranberries. I thought, why not start the romance right from the morning?! I love surprising my hubbie with a nice homemade breakfast in bed, even when it's not Valentine's Day. You can easily make this dough the day before and refrigerate it until use. It'll give you the perfect scone texture you're looking for: crisp on the outside, moist and flaky inside. I love the texture of the oats and almonds mixed together, plus a little tartness from the cranberries. It"s so delicious, you wouldn't believe it contains no butter! So what do you say?


Whole Wheat Cranberry-Oat Scones with Almonds 

A: 1 1/4 C    whole wheat pastry flour
    1 C          all-purpose flour
    3/4 C       rolled oats
    1/4 C       sliced almonds
    2 t           baking powder
    1/4 t        baking soda
    1/4 t        sea salt

B: 1/4 C       light brown sugar
    1/4 C       plain yogurt
    3 T          milk (I used almond milk)
    1 T          orange zest
    1/2 egg, beaten *save the other 1/2 for brushing

10 T coconut oil, slightly cold in solid form, but not very hard

1 1/4 C frozen or fresh cranberries

2 T turbinado sugar or raw / course sugar

more oats and almonds for sprinkles

T = tbsp, t = tsp, C = cup

1. Preheat the oven to 400 F/200 C. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper or a silpat.

2. Combine ingredients A in a large bowl.

3. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together B until smooth.

4. Use a pastry cutter or a fork to cut the coconut oil into ingredients A until it forms small clumps. If you touch it with your fingers, it should feel a little bit like wet sand.

5. Pour ingredients B into A. Use a spatula to mix until the whole thing just comes together, but be careful not to overmix. If the dough is too dry, just add a little bit of milk. *You can complete steps 4 & 5 in a mixer with a paddle attachment.

6. Fold in the cranberries. *Don't be afraid if the dough seems rather crumbly.

7. Sprinkle a little bit of flour on the working surface, then turn out the dough onto the floured surface. Flour your hands and knead the dough once or twice, and gently press it into a 1-inch thick round.

8. Use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut into pieces, then transfer the pieces onto the lined sheet pan. Regather the dough scraps to cut more pieces. You might need to do it twice. Be gentle when reworking the dough. (You can also just divide the dough into 8 pieces without using a cookie cutter.) *At this point, you can cover the sheet pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 day, or you can individually wrap each piece with plastic wrap and keep them in the freezer for up to a month.

9. Brush the top with the rest of the egg. Sprinkle with oats, almonds, and turbinado sugar.

10. Reduce the oven temperature to 350 F/175 C. Place the dough in the oven, and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden on the top. Enjoy them when they're slightly cooled with my Cranberry and Vanilla Butter. They really go together very well!


                                                                                        - Yvonne

我喜歡將蔓越莓加入在任何的早餐裡,無論是馬芬蛋糕、鬆餅或麵包,我都愛!去年的情人節,我為Foodie in Quebec City寫了一個蔓越莓紅心起司蛋糕食譜,而今年,我還是想以蔓越莓來當主題,只是這次做的是早餐,我想說何不從早晨就開始讓情人開心呢?我自已平時就很喜歡讓老公在起床後得到驚喜,這個食譜可以讓你事先準備好司康餅的麵糰,然後放冰箱或甚至烤前備用。由於內含燕麥片與杏仁片,吃起來外脆內鬆,再加上帶點酸酸的蔓越莓在口中,真是好吃極了!除此之外,怕胖的朋友們大可以安心食用,因為這個司康餅完全不含奶油喔~


A: 低筋麵粉   1 1/4 杯
    全麥麵粉   1 杯
    燕麥片      3/4 杯
    杏仁片      1/4 杯
    泡打粉      2 小匙
    小蘇打粉   1/4 小匙
    海鹽        1/4 小匙

椰子油 10 大匙…微冰、呈固體狀,但不能太硬 *若買不到椰子油,也可以使用 11 大匙奶油

B: 二級砂糖      1/4 杯
    原味優格      1/4 杯
    牛奶           3 大匙
    柳橙或橘子皮 1 大匙
    蛋              半顆…打散,另外打散的半顆留著備用

冷凍蔓越莓 1 1/4 杯



1. 將烤箱預熱至 400 F/200 C。在烤盤上放ㄧ張防沾烤紙或Silpat.

2. 在ㄧ個大容器中將A料拌好。

3. 在另一個容器裡放入B料並攪拌均勻。

4. 用叉子將椰子油與A料混合,直到大部分呈小顆粒狀 (放在手裡會有點像濕掉的沙子)。

5. 將B料倒入A,以刮刀稍微攪拌至混合在一起,但不要過度攪拌,只要稍微黏在ㄧ起就可以了。若太乾,可滴入一點牛奶。*4,5這兩個部驟也可以使用攪拌機(mixer)完成。

6. 將蔓越莓拌入。*若麵團看起來有點鬆,請不要擔心。

7. 在桌面上撒上一點麵粉,將拌好的麵糰倒在撒粉的桌面上。手沾一點麵粉,將麵糰輕揉一、兩次,然後將它壓成約2.5 cm/1 吋厚的圓。

8. 以餅乾器切成心型,放到之前準備的烤盤上,切剩下的麵糰再繼續壓成圓形再切,大概要重複兩次。*此時可將烤盤蓋上一層保鮮膜放置冰箱或以保鮮膜一塊塊包好放冷凍保存至一個月。

9. 在麵糰上刷一點剩下的蛋液,再撒上一點杏仁、燕麥片與粗粒砂糖。

10. 將烤箱溫度降低至350 F/175 C,放入烤箱中烤約20-25分鐘至表面有點金黃色即可。

                                                                                               - Yvonne

Here, I used the heart shaped cookie cutter for Valentine's Day, but you can also just divide the dough into 8 pieces without using a cookie cutter.

You can also serve it with my Cranberry and Vanilla Butter on top!


I just had to show this! It's the behind the scene when I take photos a lot of the time, unless MouMou is asleep.





  1. This recipe works great! It tastes pretty good!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and for trying the recipe! It makes me so happy to know that you like it!! (*^▽^*)


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